45º Flashing Kit for Tent Stoves 3"to 4-1/2"
Perfect for stoves with vertical chimney’s.
- Can be used with a wide range of stoves
- Ideal for use with a Frontier Plus stove
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The essential kit to fit a stove to your tent. This flashing kit allows you to cut a hole in your tent to use your stove safely.
Our flashing kit is made from vulcanized rubber and can be used at temperatures up to 300 degrees. Each kit comes complete with one silicone cone, two metal rings with pre-drilled bolt holes, six nuts with locking bolt and twelve metal washers.
45º Flashing kit for angled roofs, ideal for stoves with a flue size of three to four and a half inches. We also sell vertical tent stove flashing kits.
Bell Tent 2.0